Teutonic Order - 1325AD - 1410AD

This list represents the Teutonic Order at it's peak, fighting in the Baltic, Prussia and Poland. It takes up from the Early Baltic Crusader list (1325 AD) and ends at the battle of Tannenburg in 1410AD. Actual numbers of Brethren were always relatively few.

The bulk of the army was usually made up of Lay Brethren, Crusaders and Allied Knights and Men-at-Arms

Era: Age of Chivalry   Teutonic Order - 1325AD - 1410AD CR: H: 3 L: 3   BP: 2 Init: 6
Number Type   Description Key FV PROT Weapon Cost
2 Kn(d) Brethren etc k 6[2]0 +2 Lance 14
1 MAA(d)   k 5[1]0 +2 Lance 12
1 HC(d)   k 5[1]0 +1 Lance 11
1 HC(d) Sergeants k 3[0]0 +1 X-bows 9
2 LC Livonians/Latts k 1[0]0 +1 Bows 6
1 SI Natives   3[1]2 +2 Javelins 2
1 SI Natives   2[1]1 +2 X-bows 2
2 KN(d) Brethren etc k 6[2]0 +2 Lance 14
2 MAA(d)   k 5[1]0 +2 Lance 12
2 HC(d)   k 5[1]0 +1 Lance 11
2 HC(d) Sergeants k 3[0]0 +1 X-bows 9
1 LC Turkopoles k 2[0]0 +1 Various/Bows 8
1 FT Foot Sergeants k 6[1]1 +1 Spears 9
2 FT Settlers k 5[1]1 +1 Spears etc. 6
2 LB English k 4[1]1 +1 Longbow 7
1 FT Danzigers k 5[1]1 +1 Various - X-bows 8
5 Levy Estate Levy   3[0]0 +0 Various 4
4 LI Estate Levy k 3[1]2 +1 Javelins 5
3 SI Natives   2[1]1 +2 Bows 2
2 SI Natives   3[1]2 +2 Javelins 2


Core: 1 - GR

Bonus: (Max: 2 ) 1 - GR; 1 - RG; 1 -WD


Core: 96 Bonus: 193

Lay Brethren, Crusaders and Allied Knights and Men-at-Arms are represented in this list by the MAA(d)

HC(d) with lance are Order Sergeants, Danish or German Crusaders or even allied Poles.

HC(d) with X-bow are Knechtes or Order X-bowmen. They would normally be fielded dismounted and do not receive impetus when fighting mounted.

LB represent the retinue of English Crusaders and if bought they may only be fielded in a division comprising other LB &/or dismounted MAA.

Danzigers represent disembarked sailors (from Danzig) and cannot be fielded with LB.

Settlers are towns folk of German and Scandinavian descent who were only called up for local defence in earlier armies. They cannot be used in the same army as LB.

Estate Levy represent the native Baltic population forcibly enslaved on the Orders estates. It is not clear exactly how the Levy fought as contemporary chronicles state wildly differing accounts of their performance on the battle field. If any Levy are bought all must be bought, all must be of the same troop type and all must be fielded in a single division. Estate Levy are classified as key to stop them being used as a throw-away screen on the table-top, which was not how they were deployed historically

Levy (Estate Levy) are true Armati Levy with a unit BP:2

If LI (Estate Levy) are not fielded, they do not count towards the requirement for the extra Light Division

List Author: Aetius