
This is hte army of Darfar from the Hyborian Age which has been abstracted from the popular narrative histories of Robert E. Howard.

Fantasy   Darfar CR: H: 2 L: 6   BP: 2 Init: 4
Number Type   Description Key FV PROT Weapon Cost
4 LHI Noble Warriors X 4(1)2 +1 Javelins 7
4 LHI Tribal Warriors X 3(1)2 +1 Javelins 5
2 LI Archers   3(1)2 +1 Bows 6
7 LHI Tribal Warriors X 3(1)2 +1 Javelins 7
2 LC Light Cavalry X 2(0)0 +1 Javelins 7
3 FT Shemite Mercenaries X 5(0)0 +1 Spears/bows 7
4 WB Cannibals   4(1)3 +1 Various 4
8 LI Archers   3(1)2 +1 Bows 6
6 SI Skirmishers   3(1)2 +2 Javelins 2


Core: 1 GR

Bonus: (Max: 3 ) 3 GR, 1 SH, 3 W


Core: 94 Bonus: 160

Cannibal Warbands are not Key Units. They move 9"; BP 3 and may not break off.

Darfar was famous for its cannibals.

I have based Darfar on the Nubian List.

Darfar is not recorded as allied to any other state.

List Author: David